
As I venture along and complete some of my newest

Scrapbooking Pages

 I will post the

Layouts and Designs

for you to enjoy!


We were asked to create an A4 page for and album for the bride and Groom
Where to start !!
Decided to go with topics that i could remember from his child hood.
Never having meet his bride it was a little diffcult to work with that one

This is the only photo I could find of him
so I printed it out onto vellum,
chose a leafy paper to show through.

We have aways called each other "cuzin" so added that to the side
as well as his nick name when he was a baby of " Bones"
- he rattled as his lungs were not fully formed.

On each tag at the bottom I added a piece of his life I was a part of.
Pound Puppies were Toy dogs and his " Rusty" never left his side
when my son used to visit he was kind enough to share
  Brad went on to get his own pound puppy and named it "Rusty Dusty"

Dave was always cooking and in his apron
I'm sure he doesn't like being remembered as "Bronwyn" on those occasions.

In my Year 10 or 11 we studied mother care
Dave was only months old and became our
Home Economics Pin up Baby
when he came to visit and behaved like a perfect baby
Of course reference to " Congratulations were made to the Bride and Groom